Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Day of Rest.................

The rain has started again, the house is warm and dry - the perfect combination for a restful day at home. Max and I have had a wonderful week off school and tomorrow our routine begins again. We had planned for more day trips but instead spent more time around home - playing and being crafty together.

I finally caved and bought the book, Softies Only a Mother Could Love. There were several softies that we liked. Max loved the Albert Monkey - a pattern from Fiona Dalton her blog is here. Here is a picture of Max with his new monkey buddy. They seem to be getting on famously well!

It's hard to tell from the picture but the monkey is wearing a pair of overall pants. He is made from a pair of wool trousers bought from the local thrift shop for 50 cents. I enjoy recycling items to make something new.

I find that my craftiness goes in cycles. One month I'll work solely on Waldorf Crafts doing a lot of needle felting etc, the next month I'll do a lot of work on the sewing machine and the next it will be something else. I would love to try quilting but will I become obsessed with that too? Maybe I should concentrate on using the supplies that I have before diving into a new pool!

Watching the rain............

In gratitude and inspiration,


  1. You have an award to pick up over at my blog. :)

  2. i am the same way with my crafts, hence why i am running out of space for them!! buttt i do think you should try quilting, its not like its a BAD obsession!!!

  3. Me too....once I start on a new hobby I'm obsessed for a while, until the new one comes along! Such a sweet photo by the way!


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