Thursday, February 5, 2009


Surprise #1: Finally, it has started to rain. Yippee!

Surprise #2: We love getting packages in the mail. Thank you Beth for the fabulous Handmade Swap items. The memory game is awesome, Max tore the package open as soon as he got home from school. Once I'm done with this post we are going to have our first game. I am so impressed with the bag and all of the pieces inside. Thank you for the soap too!Great job, maybe one day my sewing skills will be so neat and clean. My sewing machine and I need to have a heart to heart.

Surprise #3: Went to a Thrift Shop that I don't usually frequent and found these fab items. I could not resist this salt and pepper set. They are handpainted and named Salty and Peppy, love them! I also found these small spools of thread. I always pick up the ones that are on wooden spools, problem is, I never use them, I just love the way they look. Also picked up some Gutermann thread, 10 cents ea - SCORE!

Surprise #4: Waldorf Doll #2 is now finished. Love the colour but the velvet is probably too stiff. But he's soft and cuddly so you can't go wrong.


  1. Yeah! I am so glad you like the memory game! I hope Max gets lots of use out of it. You found some great bargains thifting! Maybe you could use the wooden spools to make little woodnen people?

  2. Oh those salt and peppers are so very cute!

    2 Waldorf dolls now......I'm so impressed! I don't think I could make one, but I am going to try my hand at some bendy doll fairies for my youngest daughter.

  3. The email link to email you either isn't working or it is just me. Which it very well could be and I know we need to get intouch with either other for the book swap so let me know what you would like me to do so when can get the ball rolling. Thank you for your patience.


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